LRZ’s quantum programme plans systems based on superconducting qubits in two major steps: First, in order to offer researchers across Europe access to the technology for their science as quickly as possible, the Q-Exa system financed by Germany will first be integrated into LRZ's supercomputers and made available to scientists in Europe in 2024. Building on that foundation, the Euro-Q-Exa systems will upgrade the superconducting quantum processors in two phases to expand performance up to 100 qubits. In addition to EuroHPC JU, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts are funding the European quantum computer at LRZ; it is being developed, optimised and supplemented with software through contributions from the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) in collaboration with other research partners.
For details on the other hosting sites and their initiatives, please see the official press release by EuroHPC JU
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