PRACEdays2019 takes place May 13-17, 2019 in Poznan, Poland. Attendees are encouraged to submit applications for posters and other contributions by March 11.

HPC helps researchers understand experiments for observing real-time motion of lithium atoms in bi-layer graphene, paving the way for designing new materials for batteries and other electronics.

Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Lippert, member of the GCS board and Director of the Jülich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), was elected as Chair of the PRACE Council during the group’s 30th meeting, He begins a two-year term at the helm of the trans-European supercomputing organization.

By extending its partnership as a PRACE 2 hosting member, GCS will again take a leading role in HPC in Europe and will significantly contribute to boost scientific and industrial advancement by offering principal investigators access to GCS's world-class HPC infrastructure to be used for approved large-scale research activities.