Film Cooling of Walls at Gas Turbine-Like Conditions
Principal Investigator:
Lukas Fischer
Bundeswehr University Munich, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Thermodynamic, Neubiberg, Germany
Local Project ID:
HPC Platform used:
SuperMUC-NG at LRZ
Date published:
The air stream in a gas turbine is firstly compressed and delivered to the combustion chamber, where fuel is mixing in and burnt, releasing a tremendous amount of heat. The hot turbulent bumt gases expand through the turbine placed downstream and the exhaust nozzle. Over the last decades, the turbine inlet temperature has increased because this leads to a higher efficiency of the gas turbine. The temperature of the hot gas of the combustion chamber (2,200 °C) and turbine section (1,700 °C) surpasses the material's maximum temperature limit (900 °C). In order to safeguard the metal walls from damage, they are covered by a ceramic thermal barrier coating (TBC) but this is not sufficient to protect the metal components from overheating. Film cooling techniques are employed to generate a protective coolant film, shielding the component surface from direct contact to the hot gas. A common film cooling method introduces the coolant compressor air through discrete cylindrical holes in the walls of the cooled surfaces (effusion cooling) at a temperature of around 600 °C. The use of air to cool the turbine section decreases the efficiency of the gas turbine. Hence, an objective to enhance the gas turbine's efficiency is to reduce the coolant mass flow of the compressor. Twenty years ago, Bunker et al. [1] suggested removing some of the thermal barrier coating near the cooling holes' outlets to form a transverse trench, as shown in Figure 1. These trenched film cooling designs have shown, in several investigations, to outperform the state-of-the-art design. Improved designs, such as a segmented trench [2] as shown in Figure [2], were proposed in the literature. Most investigations were performed under conditions in which the hot gas flow was featuring low, wind tunnel-like levels of turbulence, which is much different from the turbulent flow field in a gas turbine. To investigate trenched discrete film cooling designs under conditions at low turbulence and at more realistic flow conditions, high-performance computing resources from the LRZ were necessary. The investigation aims to enhance the understanding of film cooling flows, ultimately contributing to the reduction of fuel consumption of gas turbines in the future.
Unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations were performed using the finite volume method. The film cooling domain was discretized with up to 14 million hexahedral elements. Based on this, the conservation equations for mass, momentum, and energy, known as the Navier-Stokes Equations (NSE), was solved using the open-source CFD software OpenFOAM. Large Eddy Simulations (LES) were conducted, which resolved over 95% of the turbulent eddies within the film cooling flow domain. This allowed for a high accuracy in predicting film cooling performance. The simulations for each design under laminar and gas turbine-like conditions were run on approximately 1,000 cores of SuperMUC-NG per run for 2-8 weeks. Throughout this investigation, we were able to utilize up to 5,000 CPU cores simultaneously to simulate different film cooling designs, enabling us to produce the result [3] within a reasonable timeframe. First, we discuss the time-averaged results for discrete film cooling holes and for the two investigated trenched designs. In Figure 3, a side view of the temperature field in the center plane of a film cooling hole configuration is presented. The color blue indicates low temperature, while the hot gas temperature is represented by red color. The solid line (-) corresponds to gas turbine-like high turbulence level conditions, whereas the results of the laminar hot gas flow simulations are depicted by the dotted lines (- -). The objective of film cooling is to maintain a low temperature at the wall. The state-of-the-art, simple effusion hole design features a film cooling jet emerging from the cooling hole that lifts off the wall, which is typically encountered in effusion-cooled combustor walls. With normal effusion cooling (top), an increased turbulence level reduces the jet lift-off slightly, resulting in a positive cooling effect as the coolant is transported in closer proximity to the wall. By employing a trench, the jet makes direct contact with the trench wall. Subsequently, the coolant flow can more effectively adhere to the downstream wall, creating a better cooling film. However, this efficiency is compromised slightly by elevated levels of free-stream turbulence for both designs. The next set of results focuses on the film cooling coverage immediately downstream of the trenches. lnstantaneous images of the film coolant distribution near the wall for both investigated trench designs are shown in Figure 4. In snapshot #1, the axial and lateral distribution of the coolant at the wall showed a low temperature downstream of the trenches for both designs. In a subsequent instant (#2), the axial extent of the film cooling efficiency was reduced for both configurations. Additionally, a hot spot emerged just downstream of the segmented trench. The transverse trench exhibited less sensitivity in the central region of the wall due to the higher trajectory of the coolant, as shown in Figure 3. However, it displayed significantly lower coolant coverage at the sides compared to the segmented trench. In instant #3, the hot spot downstream of the segmented trench shifted even further downstream. Moreover, brief hot spots emerged at both lateral sides. These results demonstrate how Large-Eddy-Simulations allow a detailed evaluation of the unsteady features of such highly turbulent flow fields and their effect on the wall heat fluxes.
Subsequent investigations may explore the influence of potential manufacturing tolerances, including aspects such as the contour of trench edges. Additionally, there is scope for development and comparison of innovative trench designs [4]. In addition, alternative cooling configurations combining trenches with fan-shaped cooling holes may be investigated.
[1] R.S. Bunker, Film cooling effectiveness due to discrete holes within a transverse surface slot, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2002.
[2] P. Schreivogel, B. Kröss, M. Pfitzner, Study of an optimized trench film cooling configuration using scale adaptive simulation and infrared thermography, in: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014.
[3] L. Fischer, M. Pfitzner, lnt. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2023.
[4] L. Fischer, D. James, S. Jeyaseelan, M. Pfitzner, lnt. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 2023.