Principal Investigator:
1) Axel Klawonn, 2) Oliver Rheinbach
, 1) Mathematical Institute of the University of Cologne (Germany), 2) Institute of Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany)
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The project EXASTEEL is concerned with parallel implicit solvers for multiscale problems in structural mechanics discretized using finite elements. It is focussed on modern high strength steel materials. The higher strength and better ductility of these materials largely stems from the carefully engineered grain structure at the microscale. The computational simulations used therefore take into account the microstructure, but without resorting to a brute force discretization (which will be out of reach for the foreseeable future). The researchers' approach combines a computational multiscale approach well known in engineering (FE) with state-of-the-art parallel scalable iterative implicit solvers developed in mathematics.