Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator: Olaf Kolditz , TU Dresden

HPC Platform used: JUQUEEN of JSC

Local Project ID: hlz23

In past decades, high performance computing has become a valuable tool in many fields of environmental science and technology to utilize computational power for better characterization of the complexity of environmental systems as well as predicting their evolution in time. The challenge is to develop efficient numerical schemes and software implementations which can take full advantage of today’s supercomputing hardware (i.e. PetaFlop platforms). The JUQUEEN project „Massive parallel computation of non-linear multi-field problems in terrestrial systems“ strives to meet this challenge for the solution of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical problems in fractured porous media with applications in hydrology, geotechnical engineering and renewable…

Environment and Energy

Principal Investigator: Jochen Fröhlich , Institut für Strömungsmechanik, Technische Universität Dresden

HPC Platform used: JUQUEEN of JSC

Prediction of turbulence-induced erosion and near-bed transport of sediment particles in turbulent flow is important for many processes in environmental engineering. Beyond its relation to sediment transport, the results of the present study are relevant as well for numerous industrial applications, particularly in the field of process technology, where solid particles are conveyed by a carrier flow. Traditional methods for the prediction of sediment transport are empirical and based on averaged bulk quantities.