Large-scale projects and highly scalable parallel applications are characterised by large computing time requirements, not only for short time frames but often for longer time periods. Projects are currently classified as "large-scale", if they require at least 25,000 node-h on Hunter, (100 Mcore-h on Hawk), or 45,000 EFLOP on JUWELSor 45 Mcore-h on SuperMUC-NG. These values correspond to 2% of the systems’ annual production in terms of estimated availability. The call for GCS Large-Scale Projects is issued twice a year and approved projects start on 1 May and 1 November, respectively.

For an overview of approved GCS Large-Scale Projects, please chose from the list below.

GCS Large-Scale Projects, Call 2 (August 2009)

at JSC:

"Lattice Boltzmann simulation of emulsification processes in the presence of particles and turbulence",
Jens Harting, University of Stuttgart

"Lattice QCD with 2 plus 1 flavors at the physical mass point",
Zoltan Fodor, University of Wuppertal

"Hadron Physics at Physical Quark Masses on Large Lattices",
Gerrit Schierholz, University of Regensburg

"QCD Simulations with Light, Strange and Charm dynamical Quark Flavors",
Sandor Katz, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary

at LRZ:

"Numerische Modellierung der Lunge"
Dr. Michael W. Gee, Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mechanik München

"Aquarius Projekt - dunkle Materie"
Prof. Volker Springel, Heidelberg

"Komplexe Flüssigkeitsströmungen"
Sven Schmid, Institut für Aerodynamik und Gasdynamik, Uni Stuttgart

"Numerical investigation of complex multiphase flows with Lagrangian particle methods"
Stefan Adami, Lehrstuhl für Aerodynamik, TU München