Deformation and Failure Mechanisms of Bulk Metallic Glasses
Principal Investigator:
: Prof. Dr. Martin Müser
Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany
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Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are known to have remarkable mechanical properties, such as high tensile strength, elasticity, and yield strength, which surpass those of many crystalline and polycrystalline metals. These properties make BMGs highly promising candidates for applications requiring materials that can withstand high and complex mechanical stress. However, BMGs have drawbacks; they show strain softening, resulting in localized deformation in the form of shear transformation zones that later lead to the formation of shear bands. This strain-softening characteristic limits their broader application potential, as it can lead to surface defects and, ultimately, fracture.
The primary aim of this project was to understand the relationship between the thermal history of BMGs and their subsequent mechanical properties, particularly how they deform under nanoindentation. The investigation focused on understanding the atomic-scale mechanisms that govern the link between the liquid fragility and the formation of shear bands at the glassy state. We also addressed the question how the performance of BMGs in friction applications can be improved.
When it comes to these bulk metallic glasses, the story is quite complex. Their mechanical behavior depends greatly on how quickly they were cooled from a hot, molten state into a glass, which to physicists means into a disordered solid. If they are cooled quickly, they are more ductile, but if cooled slowly, they become stronger yet more prone to cracking. This is because, during cooling using a continuously varying cooling rate, any structural changes at the fragile to strong transition temperature are smeared out. However, the exact nature of this transition from fragile to strong behavior and how it affects the formation of shear bands and other deformation mechanisms is not fully understood.
Through this project, we aimed to explore these questions by simulating the nanoindentation process, which involves pressing a rigid indenter into the surface of BMG samples to study how they respond to stress.
You might wonder why we needed such a powerful computer for this. The answer is that when you are trying to simulate how millions of atoms move and interact in such a complex process, regular computers just do not cut it. For this project, we had to simulate up to 23 million atoms to see how these materials responded to being pressed down. That is an enormous amount of data and calculations! This is where the JUWELS supercomputer came in, helping us handle this enormous task.
The main big task was to simulate the process of pressing into the BMG samples using nanoindentation. We focused on a particular type of BMG made from Zr0.6Cu0.3Al0.1, which is close to composition in commercial use. We used an indenter with a radius of 100 nanometers to press into these samples and looked at how they responded when cooled from different temperatures.
We used a LAMMPS code to run all our simulations on the JUWELS supercomputer. It took about a year’s worth of computing time to complete everything we needed, especially the nanoindentation simulations. Along the way, we had to adjust our methods, like increasing the system size, to make sure we were accurately capturing the formation of these shear bands.
Ultimately, we learned how bulk metallic glasses behave under nanoindentation has much to do with their state at the fragile to strong transition temperature. The stronger the liquids are, the more brittle they become. The more fragile the liquids are, the more ductile they are, but this comes at the cost of being weaker. Using large-scale atomistic simulations, we could see how these changes happen on an atomic level, and that’s interesting to material scientists and engineers as well as physicists working on glasses.They also revealed that bulk metallic glasses are ideal candidates for low-friction applications if coated with nano-crystalline metals.