Our research highlights serve as a collection of feature articles detailing recent scientific achievements on GCS HPC resources. 

Next-Generation Earthquake Modelling Highlights Differences in Large and Small Earthquake Dynamics
Research Highlight –

Munich’s premier universities have a long partnership working on earthquake modelling and simulation at LRZ. Most recently, the team used HPC in tandem with monitoring data to better understand the differences between large and small earthquakes.

In the last decade, more than 80,000 people globally have died from earthquakes. Advances in early warning systems and improved building codes have shrunk earthquakes’ death tolls when compared to the longer historical earthquake record, but scientists, engineers, and government officials all recognize there is more to be done to improve resilience against these abrupt, violent natural disasters. 

Dr. Alice-Agnes Gabriel, Professor at Ludwigs-Maximillians Universität München (LMU) and the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), dedicates her research efforts to understanding earthquakes at a fundamental level. Her and her collaborators at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), led by Dr. Michael Bader, use high-performance computing (HPC) at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) to model earthquake dynamics and propagation under a variety of conditions, including coupled with subsequent tsunami risks. 

Recently, Gabriel and her colleagues ran a suite of simulations focused on understanding the differences in earthquake behavior and intensity based on fault size and how so-called “cascading” earthquakes can follow an initial large earthquake in unpredictable ways. “With access to larger HPC systems, we can go beyond these very large “hero” runs that model a certain historical or recent earthquake,” Gabriel said. “We can run more simulations that are focused on exploring uncertainties and include more complicated physics in the process. In the past, we’ve focused on combing earthquakes and tsunamis in our simulations, but we’ve recently focused heavily on fracture mechanics, which is more of an engineering field we are trying to better understand in the geophysical context.” 

Understanding earthquake dynamics at scale

Earthquakes begin when two or more tectonic plates below the Earth’s surface are unable to smoothly move against one another, building up pressure until rock layers eventually give way and the built-up pressure is rapidly released. Plates can grind against one another laterally (strike-slip fault earthquakes), or a portion of one plate can be pushed below the other (subduction earthquake). Subduction earthquakes usually result in more violent shaking at the surface, but that only tells one part of the story. 

Between simulations and sensors, scientists have a good understanding of how the powerful seismic waves unleashed by earthquakes propagate through Earth and at the surface that can shake and ultimately damage structures. Less understood, however, are the small-scale dynamics taking place deep below the Earth’s surface and how that energy can spread to other faults. 

While much of the tectonic energy released does travel as seismic waves to the surface, there is a significant portion of energy spent overcoming the subsurface friction between tectonic plates. That fracture energy can determine if earthquakes stop or jump between weak faults within the rock and result in a so-called “cascade” event. The 2023 earthquakes near the Turkish-Syrian border, for instance, cascaded out from the initial 7.8-magnitude event, triggering a 7.7 magnitude quake from a nearby fault line just 9 hours later and over 500 small and large aftershocks during the following day. 

Gabriel’s team wanted to update earthquake simulation approaches to better consider the distinct physics taking place in large earthquakes separately from those happening in small earthquakes and how those differences can impact an earthquake’s destructiveness. “In this field, we have been assuming that large and small earthquakes are fundamentally the same, so in studying these phenomena, we hypothesize with that assumption in mind,” she said. “By revisiting data that we’ve collected and with the help of modelling, we are starting to collect evidence that maybe they do not actually play by the same rules.” 

Gabriel added that researchers have access to far more data about small earthquakes because they are more common, and that even today, collecting earthquake data directly tens of kilometers deep under the Earth’s surface is impossible. To that end, the team compiled the data available to it, developed mathematical models that could more accurately express the physics happening at different magnitudes and scales of earthquakes, then wrote equations to update the physics behavior at different scales of a supercomputer simulation. With the help of the SuperMUC-NG supercomputer at LRZ, the team discovered a linear scaling relationship between the fracture energy released and the size of a fault that can improve the accuracy of future simulations and fundamental understanding of earthquakes, ultimately helping better inform city planners, engineers, and other stakeholders of the risks of cascading earthquakes and their effects. 

Public HPC supports scientific state-of-the-art

Gabriel and her collaborators have a strong appetite for HPC resources, using systems in Europe, the Middle East, and North America in their research. Her long-running relationship with LRZ staff and the enthusiastic, multi-disciplinary group at both LMU and TUM has kept her coming back to use LRZ’s resources for over a decade. “It is just a long-term, steady, stable support system. Even my students that I’m onboarding in my role at UCSD, they are also using the Munich supercomputer because our workflows are so well integrated on LRZ’s systems,” she said. 

Gabriel pointed out that working with public facilities provides researchers with added value that is not available when using commercial cloud computing providers. For instance, she noted that projects designed to help create and maintain “data lakes,” or databases where topically relevant data can be stored and organized in a way that is accessible to other researchers, are only possible through large, publicly funded projects like the European-Union-funded Geo-Inquire project. In her other role at UCSD, she participates in efforts to develop and deploy a so-called “science gateway,” at the San Diego Supercomputing Center (SDSC) that helps researchers more easily move and access relevant data and software being hosted at public research facilities.

“It’s this level of support where I think public HPC facilities really shine,” she said. “Private cloud computing companies are generally not going to host and share large amounts of your data, let alone work on something like a science gateway that is getting developed with other scientists in the community. We are scientists who have very specific requirements, and while some of our needs are not immediately, commercially fruitful, we are doing work that is important for society, has an interdisciplinary nature, and benefits from having data managed following open access and FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable) principles.”

Gabriel and her collaborators gained early access to LRZ’s upcoming flagship supercomputer, SuperMUC-NG Phase 2, set to fully deploy in 2025. She indicated that the machine is well-suited to helping the team further its development of machine-learning (ML) approaches that can help the team more efficiently explore suites of hybrid HPC-ML simulations rather than single large, expensive simulations of a particular earthquake. 

-Eric Gedenk 


Related Publication: Gabriel, A. et al. (2024). “Fault size–dependent fracture energy explains multiscale seismicity and cascading earthquakes,” Science 385 (6707). DOI: 10.1126/science.adj958


Funding for SuperMUC-NG was provided by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research through the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS).


Tags: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München LMU geophysics LRZ