The Synthesis of the Elements, in Particular Carbon

Principal Investigator:
Ulf-G. Meißner

Universität Bonn (HISKP) und FZ Jülich (IAS & IKP)

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Life on Earth is based on carbon that was generated in stars. A special role in the synthesis of carbon is played by a particular excited state of carbon, the socalled Hoyle state. With the help of supercomputing, this state and its structure could be calculated ab initio, that means using only the knowledge about the forces between 2 and 3 nucleons, for the first time. This was one of the two grand challenges in nuclear structure theory. These calculations pave the way for a systematic understanding of the synthesis of all elements relevant for life. Further, they allow for tests of the anthropic principle, that means the question how the existence of life depends on the fundamental physical parameters.

Full report available in: inSiDE, Vol. 10 No. 1

Scientific Contact

Prof. Dr. Ulf-G. Meißner
Universität Bonn (HISKP) und FZ Jülich (IAS & IKP)
D-53115 Bonn (Germany)
e-mail: meissner [@] itkp.uni-bonn.de

July 2013

Tags: Universität Bonn EPP