Large-scale projects and highly scalable parallel applications are characterised by large computing time requirements, not only for short time frames but often for longer time periods. Projects are currently classified as "large-scale", if they require at least 100 Mcore-h on Hawk, or 45,000 EFLOP on JUWELS, or 45 Mcore-h on SuperMUC-NG. These values correspond to 2% of the systems’ annual production in terms of estimated availability. The call for GCS Large-Scale Projects is issued twice a year and approved projects start on 1 May and 1 November, respectively.
For an overview of approved GCS Large-Scale Projects, please chose from the list below.
GCS Large-Scale Projects, Call 19 (February 2018)
"Phenomenology of strange resonances near the freeze-out" (GCS-posr)
Prof. Dr. Zoltan Fodor, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Theoretische Physik
Project report
"Fully resolved autoigniting transient jet flame simulation" (GCS-JFLA)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kempf, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Lehrstuhl für Fluiddynamik
Project report
"Computational Aeroacoustics of Rotors (CARo)" (GCS-caro)
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Keßler, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics
Project report
"LAMTUR - Investigation of Laminar-Turbulent Transition and Flow Control in Boundary Layers" (GCS-lamt)
Dr.-Ing. Markus Kloker, University of Stuttgart, Institute of Aerodynamics and Gasdynamics
Project report
"Allosteric regulation of the human proteasome" (GCS-prot)
Dr. Michal H. Kolar, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry Göttingen
Project report
"Simulation of Particulate Flows and Trailing Edge Noise" (GCS-sopf)
Dr.-Ing Matthias Meinke, RWTH Aachen University, Institute of Aerodynamics
Project report
"Hadronic corrections to the muon magnetic moment" (hfz00, GCS-MUMA)
Prof. Dr. Kalman Szabo, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Project report
"Hadron Scattering and Resonance Properties from Lattice QCD" (chbn28, GCS-HSRP)
Prof. Dr. Carsten Urbach, University of Bonn, Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen und Kernphysik
Project report
"Scale setting for QCD with four dynamical quarks" (chwu35)
Dr. Thomasz Korzec, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Theoretische Teilchenphysik
"Nuclear Lattice Simulations" (chfz02)
Prof. Dr. Ulf-G. Meißner, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Institute for Advanced Simulation - Theory of the Strong Interactions
Project report
"Manipulation and dynamics of quantum spin systems" (jjsc09)
Prof. Dr. Kristel Michielsen, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich Supercomputing Centre
"Combustion Modeling Using Regimes in Turbulent Non-Premixed Combustion" (jhpc09)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz Pitsch, RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Combustion Technology
Project report
"Topology, entanglement and critical phenomena in correlated quantum matter" (pr53ju)
Prof. Dr. Fakher F. Assaad, University of Würzburg, Institut für Theoretische Physik und Astrophysik
Project report
"The Molecular Mechanism of Cooperative Activation and Control of G-Protein Coupled Receptors" (pr74su)
Prof. Dr. Tim Clark, FAU Erlangen, Computer Chemistry Centre
Project report
"Nucleon observables as probes for physics beyond the standard model" (pr74yo)
Prof. Dr. Karl Jansen, NIC Research Group "Elementary Particle Physics", DESY Zeuthen
Project report
"Cracking the Convective Conundrum" (pr27li)
Dr. Petri Juha Käpylä, Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP)
Project report
"Thermal Turbulence at Extreme Rayleigh Numbers" (pr74sa)
Prof. Dr. Detlef Lohse, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Göttingen
Project report
Last updated: 07 May 2018