GCS offers computing allocations to scientists and researchers performing ground-breaking research projects dealing with complex, demanding simulations that require world-leading supercomputing resources. Several allocation programs are available.
GCS systems are available to national scientists and researchers from academia and industry through several different allocation programs. Researchers at German Universities and publicly funded research institutions are eligible to apply. Additionally, European researchers can access GCS resources through the Partnership for Advance Computing in Europe. Below, current and prospective users can find information on how to access GCS resources, including guidelines, important dates, and user obligations after receiving time on GCS resources.
Large-scale projects are characterised by projects that require a large amount of computing time over longer periods of time. In detail, projects are classified as “Large-Scale” if they require 2% of the systems’ annual production in terms of estimated availability.
For Large Scale projects' on the supercomputer SuperMUC-NG Phase 1 and SuperMUC-NG Phase 2, the following minimal requirements are given:
• >= 45 million core-hours on SuperMUC-NG Phase 1
• >= 140,000 GPU hours on SuperMUC-NG Phase 2
For the new system Hunter at HLRS, the accounting unit is Hunter-node-hours. As a node contains four MI300A APUs, the lower limit for large scale projects is:
• >= 25.000 Hunter-node-hours on Hunter
For JUPITER and JUWELS the minimal requirements for GCS Large-Scale projects are specified in FLOP per year:
• >= 847x1021 FLOP per year on JUPITER
• >= 45x1021 FLOP per year on JUWELS
FLOP refers to the peak performance. However, resources will be allocated and accounted in core-hours only.
Large-scale projects go through a competitive review and resource allocation process established by the GCS. A "Call for Large-Scale Projects" is published by the Gauss Centre twice a year. Deadlines for calls are usually at the end of winter and at the end of summer of each year. An overview of the approved GCS large-scale projects is available here.
Projects which do not fall into the category “large scale” are called GCS regular projects. The peer-review process is implemented at the national level, carried out by the steering committees or allocation committees of the three GCS centres HLRS, JSC, and LRZ, respectively.
Applications for GCS regular projects on Hunter and Hawk-I and SuperMUC-NG may be submitted at any time (so-called rolling calls), applications for GCS regular projects on JUPITER and JUWELS may be submitted twice a year at the same time as GCS large-scale projects.
Applications for compute resources are evaluated only according to their scientific excellence.
The next call for GCS large-scale computing time proposals on Hunter, JUWELS and SuperMUC-NG will cover the period May 1, 2025, to April 30, 2026.
The call will open on 13 January 2025 and closes on 17 February 2025, 17:00 CET
(A) Hunter and Hawk-I and SuperMUC-NG:
Applications for GCS regular projects on the HLRS and LRZ HPC systems can be submitted at any time (so-called rolling calls).
Applications for GCS regular projects on the JSC HPC system can be submitted twice a year at the same time as GCS large-scale projects (so-called cut-off calls – see dates above).
The application and reporting procedures slightly differ for the three supercomputers and location sites. Therefore, please carefully read the following additional information on “How to Apply” for the individual GCS HPC systems:
Important Notice on How to Apply for Computing Time on Hawk/Hunter
Important Notice on How to Apply for Computing Time on JUPITER/JUWELS
Important Notice on How to Apply for Computing Time on SuperMUC-NG
General Requirements for project applications:
Applications should be submitted in English.
Please structure the project application in the following way:
Please make sure that all data is complete and double check it.
The project description has to be uploaded via the application form as PDF file. Please do not include any supporting material in the project description. → If you wish to add supplemental material to the project description, please submit this information in the application form with a separate PDF file.
As the HPC technologies provided by GCS are openly accessible to all scientists and researchers, all research conducted by using the publicly funded HPC systems is aimed at servicing the “public interest”. As a consequence, results and findings achieved in the realm of these simulation projects need to be made publicly available, and certain reporting obligations do apply:
The status report is needed if a project applies for an extension and must cover the results of the last allocation period of the project. This report should not exceed a maximum of 10 pages and must be uploaded together with the application for a project extension/continuation as a separate file and should cover the last twelve months of the project.
The final report is due three months after the end of the GCS large-scale project and one month after the end of the GCS regular project, respectively. The report must not exceed a maximum of 18 pages. It should focus on the scientific and technical outcome. Moreover, it should explain, how the granted computing time was spent within the project.
Both reports should include the following:
Template for the Status/Final Report (PDF, 55 kB)
Template for the Status/Final Report (docx, 25 kB)
Template for the Status/Final Report as a Tex file (FileTypex-tar, 26 kB)
The final report has to be uploaded here.
For all GCS computing time projects, a report for publication on the GCS website has to be submitted within three months of conclusion of the project. For on-going projects running more than two years an interim project report needs to be submitted within three months after the second project year. It should describe briefly the scientific and technical goals/challenges and results of the project achieved so far. This report for the GCS website aims at introducing the science and research activities to the general audience without a scientific background. For details about form and content see our “instructions for authors” page.
GCS Coordination Office
c/o Jülich Supercomputing Centre
Forschungszentrum Jülich
52425 Jülich